How QuickBooks® Testing Works:
Decide which test(s) you would like to purchase.
Create an account if you don't already have one.
This account will serve as your company account for all tests purchased and will be used for all future applicants to access the tests. Please choose the username and password carefully as it will be given to the applicant. If you are an existing client, please just log in.
Purchase your desired tests, upon payment your tests will be immediately available.
Access to each test purchased will be available under the menu item Your Purchased Tests.
Once you have an applicant that you would like to have take the test, simply provide that applicant the website address, your company login (username and password) and the name of the test to take (ex: Basic with Payroll, Professional without Payroll, etc.) and is located under the Your Purchased Tests menu item. These tests can be taken on most devices such as a laptop, desktop, cell phone and IPad.
Once the test is complete, you will receive a final email with an evaluation of their results and a list of the questions the applicant missed. This will help you determine if the missed questions are pertinent to your business needs.
We are available to help you interpret the results or answer questions as needed.
Some Things to Keep in Mind:
There is nothing to download - the test is hosted, administered and evaluated online.
- Each test purchased can only be taken once so make sure enough time is allotted to complete the test (30 minutes is allotted for each test). A clock and visible warnings will be given to the test taker so that they can pace themselves.
- Other companies that offer QuickBooks® testing only give test results as a percentage. We review the results and provide feedback to the employer by revealing what questions the applicant missed.
- Our online exams test applicants on their knowledge of Desktop or Online versions in the areas of Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Banking and Accounting (the basic bookkeeper exam does not test for accounting knowledge).
- Our Latest edition of the Online Version testing is for the online version of QuickBooks and is significantly different from the other exams.
- Skills testing is the only tool to use when selecting a qualified candidate for any position. We also recommend you use traditional hiring techniques such as interviewing and checking references.
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